
Boost Traffic and Conversions to Your Product Listing within Amazon Marketplace


Amazon is a massively popular platform that has become the world’s largest retailer. The Amazon Marketplace epitomizes the best of eCommerce, selling more than 12 million products directly, with independent sellers offering more than 300 million products.

Amidst such a vast sea of Amazon sellers, individual sellers need to constantly be on the lookout for new ways to stand out from the competition and gain the attention of consumers.

Client: A client approached our Amazon Team for help in improving their product listings. The main problem was that their content had been created some time ago and was outdated. We were also asked to create an A+ content strategy for the client’s listings, and to create an Amazon Storefront.

Goal: Improve Product listings, boost organic traffic and adjust the product’s ranking.

Our Approach: We started with keyword and niche research, and harvested high-volume keywords using the Helium10 tool. We also reviewed data on the client’s ads, and selected keywords with the highest conversion rates. We checked the competitors` content as well. At the end of this process, we created a list of the most relevant high-volume keywords for further improvement of the product listing’s SEO.
Our next step was the creation of unique Titles, Bullet Points, and Product Descriptions. While creating Titles, we kept in mind that the highest-volume search terms should be placed closest to the beginning of the Title, and that the optimal title length is about 150 characters, with the main information contained in the first 80 characters.
After that, we created Bullet Points of 2-3 sentences each that included all product information and highlighted its benefits. Amazon requires 5 Bullet Points for each product listing.
Remaining keywords that were not used in the Product Title and Bullet Points were put into the Product Description, where we provided more information about the product usage, its pros, and ways it could positively impact the customer’s life.

For an Enhanced Brand Content strategy, we chose a clear and simple style that accented the product itself. We also filled in all ALT texts with relevant keywords.

Result: We created an SEO-optimized product listing with engaging A+ content. To check how our improvements influenced the product’s ranking, we saved the initial results before uploading new content on Amazon, and compared it to new data collected 4 weeks after the new content was added to the product listing. The results were astronomical – most of our product rankings doubled in their category, and some even made Amazon’s top 10.


Data collected 4 weeks after our improvements


To help you gain a competitive edge on Amazon Marketplace, our experts have prepared some practical tips for driving more traffic to your product listing and boosting your conversion rates. Use these tried and true tactics to optimize your product listing and grow your business on Amazon.

4 Proven Tactics to Drive Traffic to your Amazon Product Listing


1. Scope out your competitors’ titles and image layout

Social media has trained consumers to quickly scroll until something captures their attention. Unless your product stands out at a glance, Amazon consumers will quickly skim past your listing to the next attractive layout that meets their eye.

To see how your listing stacks up against your competitors on Amazon, we suggest you do a quick search, paying attention to the following:

  • Enter your target search term in the search bar
  • Scan your search results
  • Find your product listing
  • Study competitors’ products listed on the same page
  • Identify competitors’ listings that stand out from the others
  • Study their layout, color scheme, images, text placement, and keywords used in the content and title
  • Compare your listing to those of your competitors

Does your product stand out, or does it fade into the background compared to your competitors’ products?

Standout tips:

Show your product from a different angle.


Avoid using cluttered images.


As sales increase and your product moves up to a higher-ranked page, repeat the process to stay in the game.

2. Use Eye-Grabbing Images that Capture the Shopper’s Attention

You can’t always judge a book by its cover, but the first thing shoppers look for in search results is your product’s main image. Amazon has strict guidelines for product images, requiring that the main image appears on a plain white background, by itself. With those restrictions, making your product stand out can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do.

Focus on quality: Be sure to use a large image with an enabled zoom feature, so customers can get a closer look at your product’s details and craftsmanship. Amazon guidelines say your product image should be a minimum of 1000 x 1600 pixels, and should not exceed 10,000 pixels. Our experts have found that 2560 pixels on the longest side of the image works best.

Make your product stand out: Showcase your product from a different perspective. Try shooting your picture from a new angle, or add depth to the image by leaving a gap between objects. If your product comes in different colors, use the brightest color for your main product image. Think outside the box to find ways to make shoppers want to click on your listing.

Do some A/B testing: Periodically change your main image and collect data on the results, to see which images bring you the most views and sales.

  • Record baseline data on the number of views and the conversion rate of your current image.
  • Tweak your image in some way, then wait a designated amount of time and collect a new set of data.
  • Compare your results to see if one image draws more views and sales than the other.
  • Repeat this process until you find the best-performing image.

3. Hook the Shopper’s Interest to Entice them to Click on Your Listing


Your product title should be written in simple and understandable language. Avoid using technical terminology in the product title. Save your knowledge and technical information for the description section.

Add something unique about the product to the title. Search for keywords that differ slightly from your competitors, and use them to catch the shopper’s eye. Bear in mind that the optimal title length for mobile devices is only 75-80 characters, so make your title short and to the point.

The title is another area where an A/B test can help, but run only one test at a time, or you won’t be able to tell which changes impacted your conversions.

Other tools for hooking the shopper’s attention are Amazon badges and discounts, such as Best Seller, Amazon Choice, Coupon Code, and Limited time deals. Just be sure to research your competitors before launching a promotion. If every competitor on your search results page is using a green discount coupon, it will not help your listing to stand out.


Amazon badges

4. Showcase Your Product’s Benefits

It is important to provide details in the product description, but you also need to connect with your customer in ways that make them say “Yes” to a purchase. Do this by sharing how the product can add value to the shopper’s life and solve their problems.

Highlight the product’s main benefits in ways that can be easily seen while scanning your images. Use bullet points and quality text that conveys your valuable information at a glance, so the shopper can make an informed decision to purchase your product without having to read lengthy paragraphs of text.

Final Thoughts

Use the above tips as your starting point. Experiment to find out what works best for you, and roll out your best practices to nail deals you’ve been missing.

To sum things up: Check out your competitors, compare your listing to the best ones, make improvements, collect and analyze data, and voila – you are on your way to creating a stand-out listing that makes customers stop, shop, and buy.

For help in optimizing your Amazon SEO, contact our Amazon experts and let us create a customized improvement plan for your product listing that boosts it to page one of Amazon Marketplace search results.


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